Logical Foundations, Calculus, updates on learning (with) theorem provers
I just finished Logical Foundations, the first part of the Software Foundations series. Since last time on this blog, I also completed chapter 2 of Calculus, with the exercises (most of them) done in Lean 3.
This post is a loose collection of impressions and learnings from a few more months spent working with theorem provers on my spare time.
Logical Foundations
First, Logical Foundations is just great. I picked it up to learn Coq mainly, and as the natural path to the exciting Programming Language Foundations. As a way to learn Coq, it exceeded my expectations: the book strives to build up a first-hand, concrete understanding of all the tactics and proof techniques. The exercises are all justified and many gave me better insight into certain types of proofs. This book works for its purpose: it will give you a working knowledge of the tool.
It’s not only brilliant as a Coq book, it’s good learning material for proof
assistants in general. It filled gaps in my understanding of Lean-relevant
concepts (Lean and Coq have many, many similarities), like the generalize dependent
tactic. The long chapter on inductive propositions was the best part,
looking at inductive propositions from multiple angles, and building up solid
intuitions and awareness of their strengths and quirks. I got better at formal
proofs from reading this book.
Contrasting experiences with Lean and Coq
With about 9 months worth of doing math textbook exercises in Lean 3, and the book + a lot of random reading on the Coq side, first impressions are starting to form.
The discussions between Coq people and Lean people can get somewhat heated. The two systems are competing for mind share, and while Coq is by far the more established of the two, Lean has been growing rapidly. There is mainstream appeal to be gained from (1) having a more “modern” (read: familiar to software people) workflow in VSCode, and (2) embracing classical logic, excluded middle, extensionality axioms.
To someone wondering whether they should invest their efforts into Lean or Coq, I’d advise to learn both. Coq has a much older, richer ecosystem, and a distinct flavour from Lean, so that even if you prefer Lean for this or that reason, there is a lot to learn in the Coq world. The experience of writing Lean, with its vscode-centric workflow, feels more like working with a regular programming language. Coq has its own idiosyncratic tools — I’ve been using CoqIDE (there is also VSCoq) — which are good, but they definitely made me step out of my tooling comfort zone. Overall, both proof assitants are based on the calculus of constructions with a term level language, tactics, dependent types with a universe hierarchy, etc. so there is more in common than one might think.
Both Zulip instances (1, 2) are worth following. The leanprover one is more active, and has more math-related discussions.
The idiosyncratic vs standard (in a software dev sense) environments, and the strong emphasis on constructive vs more classical logic make for different feels. Proofs relying mainly on reflection are more idiomatic in Coq, and reading Logical Foundations exposes you to that. I think I like it.
To take a concrete example, my outside impression before learning Coq was that program extraction was more a curiosity than something practical you would want to reach for. Having seen what evaluation inside Coq can do, that feeling got completely reversed. Constructive proofs and executable functional code are convincing in a way that is hard to express.
Toughts on theorem provers as a learning tool
Since last time, I got more comfortable with mechanised proofs. There is no question that they are very versatile and great to have at hand’s reach when you need them. What I do not believe anymore is that they are the best environment to do the exercises in a math or computer science book that was not written with them in mind. For two reasons mainly:
Some proof patterns you can carry on with pen and paper are not completly rigorous, and you need a more advanced concepts to work out a proof in Lean than you would for the proof the author of the exercise had in mind. The concepts can be scaffolded differently in a book and in mathlib. For example, the first chapter of Calculus deals with general properties of “numbers”: you can do proofs on numbers with the given list of properties on paper, but in Lean you have to pick a concrete type (or a type class) where these apply.
More importantly, as of now, in most cases, mechanised proofs are significantly more work than pen-and-paper. If you want to make progress at a reasonable pace, you can’t be formalising everything.
What I found invaluable in doing math exercises in Lean, is the confidence building. The tool gives you quick feedback, and you end up having a pretty good feel for when you forget cases or take a step that isn’t justified.
I never trusted my informal proofs before formalising — now I do, to a certain extent. Often, when you are confident enough, a proof outline is all you need for understanding. The proof assistant helps you build up that confidence that you can fill in the details. When in doubt, you can still formalize.
What’s next
I am going to keep working through Calculus, mechanising proofs only when necessary for understanding. Programming Language Foundations to continue learning Coq. After that, the literature on separation logic in general and Iris is on the list — maybe not on top anymore by the time I get there.